Thursday, November 30, 2006

Puppy Politics Tense in China

One dog policy infuriates pet owners

China recently began enforcing a stringent code of dog laws mandating a "one dog per household" rule. Additionally, size standards have been issued; canines in excess of 14 inches are also banned under the new policy. Any dog over the allotted limit is subject to confiscation by the officials.

The situation has become politically tense; reminiscent of days passed in Communist China, and has forced pet owners to hide their beloved animals and be wary of their neighbors. The dog policy states," Any individual has the right to criticize ... anyone who is doing anything against the regulations, and report them to the residential committee, the village committee or the relevant department."

The new laws spring from a recent rabies scare and the government's attempt to control the dog population. Protests and rallies have sparked throughout Beijing with no sympathy from authorities.
Photo thanks to Reuters

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Boogying with Bowzer

Heads Up on a New Trend

What does your Shiba Inu, a Lawrence Welk record, and a little two step have in common? Doggy Dancing of course; the new show of canine coordination that is sweeping the nation. Otherwise known as Doggy Freestyle, this artistic expression allows pups to strut their stuff to a dance beat. Expect to see lots of the four standard doggy dance moves: spins, weaves, twirls, and walk backs (think synchronized swimming with more fur less water).

Coral Pethers, a dog handler gone dog dancer, comments, " Most people get a mental picture of a dog being up in your arms and you waltzing around with them in a tutu, but it's not." Pethers argues that Doggy Dancing is a very technical and strenuous sport that requires great agility on the part of the dog as well as the handler.

Who makes the best four legged dance partner? Pethers says poodles and border collies take the cake.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

AKC Agility Invitational 2006

Spotlight on Whoopee

Allow us to introduce you to one of the top contestants and dog show favorites at this year's upcoming AKC Agility Invitational in Long Beach, California. Whoopee, a Pyrenean shepherd, named after Whoopi Goldberg (resemblance questionable) has been putting on quite a show collecting blue ribbons around the country. Whoopee's specialty: the agility course, an obstacle track comprised of tunnels, weave poles, jumps and seesaws. What is this pup's secret? According to her handler, Linda Bohm, Whoopee has a tooth for fine cheese and gives it her all for a few slices of Chateaubriand at the finish line.

The AKC Agility Invitational is being held December 2nd and 3rd, 2006 and will be broadcast on Animal Planet.

Photo thanks to the Daily Record

Monday, November 27, 2006

Weekend Wrap Up

The Joys of Chowing Down

We know we stuffed ourselves this weekend, but how about your pup? Was he living it up eating high off the...Turkey? If so he may be experiencing canine digestive upset, a common ailment this time of year caused by an excess of human food on a delicate palate. Remember while celebrating the holidays to include your pup in the festivities by serving up a specialty doggy snack and avoiding feeding Fido the leftovers.

Click here for helpful holistic recipes and remedies for a pooch's upset stomach.

Photo thanks to the New York Post

Friday, November 24, 2006

Doggy Fashion Gets Serious in India

Delhi, India

The days of having to outsource for pet fashion gear in India are long gone. As the pet fashion industry continues to grow globally, canine boutiques are popping up all through Delhi. The cold season is marked as a high time for pooch related shops, and sales on doggy sweaters, coats, and layers are expected to soar.

What else does India have in store for it's four legged friends? Oh, just a quaint group canine wedding scheduled for December 17th, 2006. The ceremony hopes to include participants from over 50 breeds in an attempt to gain recognition for cutting edge Indian canine friendly society and to earn a place in the Guinness book of world records. Stay tuned, Signafur will keep you updated!

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Thursday, November 23, 2006

Dog Ruffles Feathers, Turkey Goes Free

The Story of a Presidential Pardon

Flyer and Fryer, the Whitehouse Thanksgiving turkeys received a presidential pardon this year after W's dog ruffled a few feathers. President Bush's Scottish terrier, Barney, got his exercise chasing the two birds around the Rose Garden this morning. President Bush remarked, "Instead of chasing the soccer ball, he chased the bird. And it kind of made the turkey nervous. See, the turkey was nervous to begin with. Nobody's told him yet about the pardon I'm about to give him."

In a ceremony that dates back to 1947, the president pardoned Flyer and Fryer, and sent them to Disneyland in California to be the honorary marshals of the Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Signafur crew!

Photo found on flickr

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Doggy Day Care Just Got Easier

A new service as part of the doggy daycare trend is turning heads and wagging tails in Williston, Vermont. The new pup pampering service offers pick up and delivery of your precious pooch in what else but a big purple school bus. In town, the purple coach has become synonymous with canines and is not easily missed while making its rounds. Driver Dana Begins associates her service with that of an elementary school bus driver and notes, "It's exciting, just going around picking up people's dogs, they really treat them like their kids at that point, out waiting for you to pick them up."

Have you seen any fun services in your town? Signafur wants to know!

Photo found on flickr

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

This Deli Goes to the Dogs

A new cafe in Mexico City caters to the city's most discriminating canines. The central cafe boasts a pup friendly atmosphere and mouth watering treats like ostrich liver biscuits with mashed potato icing.

Bow-Wow Deli is the creation of Miki Nakai, a Japanese entrepreneur with a vision to create a social doggy haven in the dog eat dog hub of Mexico City. Bow-Wow deli began when Nikai started cooking canine friendly meals for her finicky eater, an African greyhound. Soon her cuisine spread through the local canine community and left all pups panting for more.

Photo found on flickr

Monday, November 20, 2006

Give Thanks for Good Manners

This Thursday, among the list of reasons to be thankful, we've decided to throw in "bowzer being a good boy." With so much activity taking place in the home, between the guests and the turkey and the festivities, your four-legged friends might find cause to cause a scene. Prepare you pup a few days in advance for Thursdays feast to ensure an uninterrupted meal. Sarah Hodgeson, a NY dog trainer, offers up a few relevant etiquette tips from her new book:

* "Establish proper etiquette by creating a special place by your (front) door where your dog can wait ... when company arrives."
* "If you allow your dog to loiter nearby while you are eating, you will almost certainly experience interruptions. ... Politely ask guests to help civilize your dog by ignoring him until the meal has ended."
* Teach your dog "to lie on a floor mat while you dine. To prevent hunger tension, feed your dog his own meal before you sit down to enjoy yours. Then send him to his special mat, instructing him to "Settle."'
* "Table manners for dogs can be reduced to one basic maxim: Eat and drink only from your bowl."
* "If you want to share leftovers (with your dog), then do so in a manner unlikely to disturb your human guests. Wait until you have finished your meal, and then place a sensible portion in his bowl."

Find more tips, and check out the new book here.

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Friday, November 17, 2006

The Inside Scoop

On the year end Signafur sale

Signafur would like to thank our loyal blog readers by announcing our year end blowout sale right here first. We've slashed prices on nearly half of our inventory and are offering designer deals at 30% off! Making the list of hot sale items are: Coach Quilted Coat, Cashmere Sweater, The Hamptons Pet Carrier plus countless others. Browse through our selections of canine apparel, accessories, collars and leads, doggy diners, beds and toys. Save in style!

Thanks Signafur readers!

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Thursday, November 16, 2006

Happy Hour Goes Yappy Hour

The face of happy hour just got a little more furry

Animal behaviorist, Marc Berkoff, offers up his take on the psyche behind what Fox News is calling, the newest "trend sweeping the country." Yappy Hour is a new craze in pet/parent relations that translates in simple English to: the time to take your dog to the bar. A growing number of US establishments recognize the trend and are opening up their doors to four-legged friends.

Why the new direction in the dynamic of drinking? Berkoff offers ," Pets are typically thought of as social catalysts, they help people meet one another. They ease tension." The benefits of going out on the town with Fido are adding up; you have a loyal buddy, a social icebreaker and a designated walker all in one.

Photo found on flickr

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

New Trends in Travel

Pet Friendly Getaways Weigh In

Twelve million pets, mostly dogs, will be joining their parents and travelling this holiday season. As animals adapt to roles as more of children than domesticated pets, their function in the family unit changes, one of those changes means making the holiday travel trek with the rest of the fam.

The changing dimension of these furry friends in our lives requires otherwise specifically human services to now cater to the whole family. A principle the travel and hospitality industry knows all too well; pet friendly vacation rentals and lodgings have increased 28% in the last three years to accommodate our growing needs.

Planning a vacation with puppy and don't know where to stay? Check out for nationwide listings of pet friendly lodging.

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Tuesday, November 14, 2006

How Much is That Doggy in the Window?

Pop culture and its effect on pup prices

How much will that doggy in the window cost you? It all depends on popular trends. While there are some constants in the canine market, Golden Retrievers for example; the nation's most popular dog for the 15th year running, the supply and demand of pups has more to do with pop culture than you might think.
Pups have a long history of influence by pop outlets. Back in 1925, following the release of "Man from Hell's River" featuring doggy star Rin Tin Tin, German Shepherds shot up in popularity to No.1 breed in the US for three consecutive years. Once again between 1943 and 1949, Collies gained celebrity status as the nation's No. 3 dog thanks to "Lassie."
Pop culture continues to impact our puppy buying habits today--take the effect of arm candy Chihuahuas sported by stars like Paris Hilton and Reese Witherspoon. Is it any coincidence that Chihuahuas are now the most sought after dog breed in the UK?

What inspired you to go with your breed? We want to hear your story!

Photo found on Flickr

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Dog Whisperer

Paula Doohan, a 37 year old Irish woman has been making a few tails spin on the emerald isle. The mother of two recently unlocked her skills as a dog listerner while trying to help her bad mannored German Shepard. Doohan exhausted several conventional methods of dog training before turning to a more psychotherapeutic approach.
After researching pet behaviorists, Doohan studdied under the famous British dog listener, Jan Fennell. Doohan comments that Fennell taught her "to read dog signals by their ears or their tail...It is all about listening to the dog." Now Paula and her pooch have no trouble communicating.
With her disciplined doggy and new found talent, Doohan has returned to Ireland determined to pursue a career in dog listening.

Get the full scoop here

Photo thanks to BBC News

Friday, November 10, 2006

Fitness Unleashed!

Thanksgiving is just around the corner, meaning that our appetites will get bigger as our clothes seemingly get smaller. Ah the injustices of the holiday season! Now is the time to pick a workout partner and set solid fitness goals, and who better than man's best friend?
A new book written by veterinarian Marty Becker and diet expert Dr. Robert Kushner tells how to get the most out of your workout by pairing up with a furry friend. Fitness Unleashed! analyzes the eating and lifestyle habits of both you and your pet and provides a customized exercise program best suited for you both.
Dr. Kushner understands the benefits of having a great workout partner and offers, "For many people that are overweight who don't get out enough because of self esteem issues and shape and body issues, just having a dog allows you to meet people and takes the focus off of yourself."

Get all the details here

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Walk Bowzer, Chase Away the Blues

A new study conducted in the UK is encouraging pet owners to put down the pint and pick up the leash. The research, headed by the University of Portsmouth concludes that walking a dog can actually curb loneliness and depression.
"How," you ask? The study states that dog owners are more likely to stick to a regular exercise routine despite their own mood, for the benefit of their pet. In addition, "the exercise gave them a better overall sense of well-being as they often met like-minded people, leaving them feeling happier." A similar study by Natural England found that being outside can help to boost physical fitness and prevent diseases such as diabetes, obesity, cancer, and heart disease.
Thanks hounds!!!

Picture courtesy of The Evening Standard

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Making the List, Checking it Twice

Think you can still get away with just giving a dog a bone this holiday season? Think again. According to the Association of Pet Product Manufacturers, 37% of cat owners and 55% of dog owners will be buying legit presents for their furry friends. A growing figure and one that retailers are not ignoring; Neiman Marcus has released their Christmas 2006 catalog complete with a $5,000 custom doggy house making the gift list.
So what are pet parents doing to prepare this year? Well, you can start by hanging an extra stalking on the mantle. From there you might want to consider this winter's hottest hound trends; bling embellished leashes, Swarovski adorned tees, and everything cashmere.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Small Dogs Storm the UK

What's the latest trend to traverse the Atlantic? No, it's not a boy band. It's not designer jeans either...It's a 5 pound furry fashionista; the Chihuahua. Believe it or not, Brits are barmy for these petite canines. With the advent of so many celebrity Chihuahua sightings such as Paris Hilton with companion, Tinkerbell, and Madonna with Chiquita, small dog sales have skyrocketed in the UK.

Reports indicate the cost of buying a Chihuahua in Britain has tripled over the past 12 months. Even major department stores are getting on the bandwagon; one of these couture Mexican canines can be purchased at Harrods for a mere 3,000 GBP (roughly $5,715.00) There are no qualms about this recent craze, a billboard in Hammersmith pictures a lone Chihuahua and simply states, "Today's must have accessory."

Photo courtesy of The Telegraph

Monday, November 06, 2006

Meet the Real Party Animals

SkyBark is at it again with a November event that will leave you and your pup howling for more. Skybark, an LA based pooch party promoter, was born from the age old philosophical question, "Why can't I bring my dog to the bar?" This puppy party co. has stayed true to their core values by continuously providing a fun multi-species environment where owners can mingle and mutts can sip on doggy martinis into the wee hours of the morning. At the November 11th event expect to see loads of canine couture on the catwalk in Skybark's pet/people runway show along with a pet psychic, dog behaviorist, music, and your fellow dog enthusiasts.

Click here for more information.

Friday, November 03, 2006

Virtual Mutt Matchmaking

Welcome to the world of doggy dating

Play dates; a phenomenon that has surpassed people and moved onto pooches. Whether you are looking to set your Schnauzer up with the Shih Tzu next door, arrange a puppy birthday party, or hope to find love at the dog park, there are a few new online services ready to help your plight., similar to the biped version, friendster, offers a forum for making connections with other canines in your area. Like minded websites like and also offer mutt matchmaking forums. Now how about you... are you tired of dating dudes/dudettes who don't dig your dog? Try, a human dating service that gets the pet compatibility question out of the way off the bat by introducing you alongside your furry friend.

Photo thanks to New York Times

Thursday, November 02, 2006

New Trends in Tradition

Choosing to tie the knot with Spot

The big day is set. You remembered the caterer, the cake, the photographer and the fizz; now what about a tux for your furry friend? Certainly Bowzer will be included in the wedding, right?
If you are like a growing number of Americans the answer is yes. Many couples are choosing to include canines in the ceremony to mark the special occasion with all family members present. Newlywed Kelly Knaus from Missouri reflects on her own wedding and offers, "Precious and Digger walked down the aisle right before my dad walked me down the aisle...The day wouldn't have seemed right without them."

What's your take on dogs going down the aisle? Offer up your thoughts here!

Photo thanks to Reuters

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Healthcare Goes to the Dogs


It's time again to review and submit healthcare options to your employer. But look closely this time; a small but expanding number of progressive companies are offering coverage for our furry friends as well. As the role of pets in the family is increasingly reinforced, the consumer industry has had to adapt to our changing needs; healthcare included. A growing number of employers are recognizing the importance of health insurance for the whole family; that means spot and sparky as well. The Society for Human Resource Management expects the likeliness of these benefits to increase by 10 to 15 percent in the next two to three years.

Read more about hound healthcare here.