Wednesday, January 24, 2007

A Humble Doggy Domicile

Chow down on this... Charlene Grayson of Blossom Valley, an extreme canine enthusiast, has erected an $80,000 abode for her precious pooches. A proud parent of six Chow Chows, Grayson has spared no expense in converting this doghouse into a pooch palace. The doggy domicile boasts calming earth tone color schemes, elegant decor, six separate sleeping quarters and a flat screen TV permanently tuned to Animal Planet.

Grayson was inspired to create what neighbors refer to as the "Chow Mahal" in 1999 when a piece of land behind her property became available for sale. Charlene and husband quickly snatched up the real estate and designed the custom made doghouse, or should we say mansion.

Charlene reports spending most of her time in the Chow Mahal along with her furry friends. She quotes, "They're just the best companions in the world . . . My husband and I joke that the more we know about people, the more we love our dogs." The couple is currently undergoing construction to build a new Chow Mahal on their new property in Scottsdale, Arizona.

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