Monday, September 18, 2006

Small Dogs, Big Hearts

Nearly 40 percent of all registered dogs in the U.S. fall into the "small dog" category, according to the American Kennel Association…so it's no wonder why they are getting so much attention these days. Really, who else packs that much personality and still fits into a purse? "Small Dogs, Big Hearts," A new book by Darlene Arden, narrates how to care for your precious pup and gives historical antidotes on the cultural significance of small dogs throughout the ages. For example, did you know that at one time, small dogs were bred specifically to warm the laps and feet of Europe's upper crust? Arden also dives into concepts for caring for your pet in a size specific way, arguing that tiny breeds interact with the world entirely differently than do large breeds. Check out more details on Darlene Arden's new book here.

1 comment:

S. Janson said...

As the proud owner of four small dogs, I highly recommend "Small Dogs, Big Hearts. Ms. Arden is extrmemly knowledgable in the small dog arena. She writes so that even the technical information is easily understood by us nonprofessionals. I have learned so much about the care and perspective of small dogs from this and other written by Ms. Arden. If you have a small dog or are thinking of getting a small dog, this is a must read.